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Here we have dreams, in Russia, only goals

Monday, January 6, 2003

Here we have dreams,in Russia, only goals
My family and I have had the priviledge of participating in the Children of Chernobyl program for the past three years. We have hosted a delightful girl named Yulia, and she has become part of our family.
This holiday I made good on a promise made to my daughter shortly before the 9/11 tragedy, to take her to Minsk, Belarus, to meet the family of our Yulia. We were treated like family.
As we spoke late into the night, two things became clear that we can take pride in and reflect upon.
First, there are many people living in a town 5,000 miles away who know the name of Youngstown, Ohio, as being one of the most active members of this noble program, largely thanks to the efforts of Youngstown resident Joseph Knable, the director of the program.
Second, as with most of the former Soviet Union, the economy, living conditions and the dignity of holding a job are non-existent -- and there is no hope in the good people there that things will change.
I will never forget what our host family shared with my daughter and I on the day we left them. They said: In America, you can wake up each day and chase your dreams -- here, we wake up each day with the goal of just surviving.
Let us never forget how fortunate we are to live in this land of freedom and hope.
Keeping promises to vets should be national priority
Being a veteran of World War II, I fought for this country and I am very disappointed in our Government. The government made promises, to the World War II veterans, as well as to the Korean veterans. The immediate past president saw fit not to keep those promises. Now Mr. Bush agrees with him.
What would happen if all the men and women that President Bush wants to send to war would refuse to go because this country does not keep itsr promises?
This started back in World War I. Those veterans marched on Washington, D.C., to protest those broken promises. The government sent Gen. MacArthur out to break it up.
This country has been downsizing industry, men and women are losing jobs, and working for minimum wages.
Only in America can the Congress vote themselves a $5,000 a year increase in their own pay and double your taxes.
It is time that the people in this country put into force the Constitution of the United States of America. A country for the people and by the people.
The government is supposed to represent us, not grease their palms. They could not extend six months to help the working man. But they took their $5,000 and went on vacation. We as senior citizens got a 1.4 percent increase in our monthly cost of living, then Medicare took $4 increase. So the average citizen got less than $10 per month. It is time for you to take the responsibility to correct some of these matters.
To help fight the terrorists, you even cut the veterans benefits. Those are the people that put you in the White House, and these are the same people that fought to keep you free and to keep our country free. Now you have broken all these promises, again and again.
These soldiers are dying every day by the thousands.
I thought we fought for this country and will keep fighting to stay free. However, we still need to take care of the men and women who are out there on the front lines. If you cannot keep your promises to us, what then happens to those veterans still fighting? Many died, many came home with half a body, for what?
A soldier died today. A World War II veteran.