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ENERGY BILLS At home, save heat and save money

Friday, December 26, 2003

These tips can make a big difference in energy costs.
Saving energy on home heating isn't just good for the environment. It's good for your wallet, too.
The average American family spends $1,400 a year on its energy bills, and nearly half of that goes to heating and cooling, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Here are some ways to reduce that expense -- and the amount of energy your family consumes -- during the winter:
UHave your heating equipment professionally inspected. A qualified heating contractor can make sure your furnace is running safely and at top efficiency. Annual inspections are recommended, but be sure to have a checkup at least every other year.
UKeep the system clean. A dirty filter impedes airflow and is more likely to allow dirt into the furnace or heat pump, increasing heating costs and causing your furnace to wear out faster. Check the filter monthly and replace or change it when necessary.
If you have a heat pump, clear away any leaves, trash or other debris that may have accumulated around the outdoor unit so air can flow freely.
Vacuum registers, baseboard heaters and radiators to remove dust that can keep some of the warm air from reaching a room.
UUse ventilating fans only as long as they're needed. In just one hour, kitchen and bathroom fans can suck out an entire houseful of warmed air. Use them long enough to remove moisture from the air, but be sure to shut them off afterward.
USeal air leaks. Houses need to be able to breathe, but many have too much cold air coming in and too much heated air escaping.
If you can slip a playing card between an outside door or window and the frame, it's time to install weatherstripping or replace the old. You can also stop air leaks by caulking gaps inside and outside the house, installing foam gaskets behind the covers of electrical outlets and light switches, and closing the damper when the fireplace isn't in use.
UInsulate properly. You'll cut down on heat loss by adding insulation to exterior walls, attics and places such as crawl spaces, rim joists and the doors or covers on attic openings. If you already have insulation, check to make sure it hasn't been disturbed or compressed, which decreases its effectiveness.
You can find out the recommended R-value -- the measure of insulation's ability to slow heat transfer -- for your home at
UInsulate windows. Plastic film insulation cuts heat loss through windows, especially those without double panes or storm windows. It comes in types for interior or exterior installation, is fairly easy to install and can be removed in spring.
ULet the sun shine in. Open curtains or blinds during the day on south- and west-facing windows. At night, close window coverings to hold warmth inside the house. Insulated drapes or cellular window shades provide even more protection against heat loss.
USeal leaks in sheet-metal ducts. Leaks aren't a problem in heated areas, but they should be sealed wherever the ducts run through cold spaces such as unheated basements and crawl spaces.
Caulk works well for the job, but avoid duct tape unless it has the Underwriters Laboratories logo.
UInstall a programmable thermostat. Turning a thermostat down from 72 to 65 degrees for eight hours a day can cut heating bills by as much as 10 percent. A programmable thermostat lowers the setting automatically during the times you're normally away from home or in bed.
UUpgrade wisely. If your heating equipment is 15 or more years old, or if it has been poorly maintained, it may be time for a more efficient replacement. Make sure the new system is the proper size for your home, however. An oversized system will cost more to buy and operate and will cycle on and off too frequently.
XSources: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; U.S. Department of Energy; handyman Jack Kleinman; Gary Jackson, Jackson Comfort Systems, Northfield, Ohio; Mark Quinn, Quinn Furnace Co., Akron, Ohio