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PLANT OF THE WEEK Porterweed or snake-weed

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Botanical name: Stachytarpheta mutabilis
Attributes: A rather weedy tropical plant with angled stems, Porterweed has small leaves that are rough on top and soft and velvety on the underside. It is grown for its showy red, pink or blue flowers on long flower stalks up to 2 feet tall. This heat-tolerant, fast-growing plant is an excellent nectar source for butterflies throughout the summer.
Bloom color: Blue, purple, red and pink
Bloom time: July until frost
Culture: Purchase healthy plants from a reputable nursery or mail-order company in the largest size available. Place in part sun in a container with fertile, humus-rich soil. Water regularly to keep moist and fertilize every two weeks with a 20-10-20 water-soluble solution. Pinch back new growth to keep plant bushy and more compact. Or, plant outdoors in summer in a bed, take cuttings before a fall freeze and root new plants throughout the winter. Prune vigorously in spring when new growth begins to develop.
Landscaping tips: Plant Porterweed with other butterfly plants like lantana, Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia rotundifolia), pentas, heliotrope, periwinkle, Vervain and butterfly bush.
Cost: $8 to $25 depending on size of plant or pot. Available at specialty nurseries or from mail-order catalogs.
Source: Powell Gardens (