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Popovec-Schiavone troth announced, wedding planned

Thursday, August 28, 2003

XStefanie Popovec of Canfield and Daniel Schiavone Jr., 2907 Olde Winter Trail, Poland, have planned an autumn wedding.
Parents of the bride-elect are Dr. John and Alberta Popovec of Canfield. The future groom is a son of Daniel and Deborah Schiavone, 3109 Valley View Drive, Boardman.
St. Lucy Church in Campbell has been chosen for the couple's open wedding at 2 p.m. Oct. 25. Invitations will be issued for their evening reception at Mr. Anthony's in Boardman.
The bride-to-be graduated from St. Mary College in Notre Dame, Ind., with a bachelor's degree in chemistry. She is a health-care representative with Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals in Youngstown.
Her fiance, a mortgage banker with O.L.M. Financial Group in Youngstown, graduated with a bachelor's degree in finance from Youngstown State University.