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ABOUT THE SYSTEM 4 ways to earn ratings

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Ohio report-card indicators that rank districts on 22 indicators will remain. To get a passage rate for an indicator, 75 percent of applicable pupils must pass the fourth-, eighth- and ninth-grade proficiency tests in math, reading, writing, science and citizenship. Also, 75 percent of 10th-graders must have passed the ninth-grade test. Other indicators are attendance (93 percent) and graduation (90 percent). The higher the number of indicators met, the higher the district's score.
New this year, districts and schools each receive a "Performance Index" score that awards 1.2 points for each pupil scoring at an advanced level; 1 point for a proficient level; 0.6 points for basic level and 0.3 points for below basic. The total is averaged and multiplied by 100 to generate an index. Higher ratings go to schools with higher indexes. If the rating achieved by the indicators is different than that achieved by the performance index, the school or district earns the higher rating.
Also new, a temporary growth calculation is considered for schools and districts in academic emergency or academic watch. Districts or schools will earn a promotion of one rating if they meet the following three criteria: an increase in the performance index in each of the past two years; a gain of at least 10 performance index points over the past two years; and, a gain of at least three performance index points in the most recent year.
"Adequate Yearly Progress" criteria are based on federal requirements and place standards on math and reading achievement for each school and district and for each subgroup in the school or district (such as racial/ethnic groups, pupils with disabilities, those with limited English-speaking skills and the economically disadvantaged). Standards are: Fourth-grade, 40.5 percent passage rate in reading and 35.9 percent in math; sixth-grade, 36 percent in reading and 36.8 percent in math; ninth grade, 78 percent in reading and 53.1 percent in math. The AYP standard also requires at least 95 percent of each school or district and each subgroup to take the math and reading tests. Districts can earn or lose a rating level based on whether they make or miss the AYP standard and any district that meets the AYP will not be rated lower than continuous improvement.
Source: Ohio Department of Education