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Monday, September 30, 2002

Answers to quiz:
Q. Neither vulnerable, as South you hold:
x A K Q 7 u A Q 3 v 8 5 w K J 4 3
The bidding has proceeded:
1w Pass 1u Pass
What do you bid now?
A. A powerful hand, made even better by partner's response, but there is no good rebid to describe it. A jump to two spades shows a distributional hand, two no trump cannot be considered with nothing in diamonds, and don't even think about a jump in hearts with only three-card support. By a process of elimination, one spade is the only choice, but plan to show your power by jumping in hearts at your next turn.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x K u 10 7 4 v A 10 4 3 2 w 9 8 7 3
The bidding has proceeded:
1u 1x Pass ?
What action do you take?
A .You could well have a better spot in a minor, but there is no sensible way to get there now without the risk of getting overboard. Pass. You may be able to back into the auction later.
Q. Neither vulnerable, you hold:
x 8 6 3 u 9 7 5 3 v Q 10 6 5 4 w A
Partner opens the bidding with one no trump. What action do you take?
A. It might seem right to pass, but should an opponent start a club against one no trump, the rest of your hand might prove worthless to partner. Use a Stayman two clubs to probe for a four-card major, intending to pass any response by partner. A two-level suit contract, even with a 4-3 spade or 5-2 diamond fit must be better.
Q. As South, vulnerable, you hold:
x A 10 9 2 u A K 7 3 v 10 7 w A Q 8
The bidding has proceeded:
1NT Pass 3u Pass
What do you bid now?
A. You must tell partner about your maximum no trump and excellent support for hearts. You can accomplish that in one fell swoop by cue-bidding your cheapest first-round control. Bid three spades.
Q. Vulnerable, you hold:
x A 7 3 u A K 10 7 6 5 4 v Void w K 8 3
Partner opens the bidding with one spade. What do you respond?
A. Not only do you have a suit that can play opposite a singleton, but you have support for opener's suit as well. Not to make a strong jump shift to three hearts would do the hand a grave injustice.
Q. Both vulnerable, as South you hold:
x 10 9 7 u J v Q 9 8 7 w Q 10 7 6 2
The bidding has proceeded:
1x Dbl Pass 2w
Pass 2NT Pass ?
What action do you take?
A. Since an overcall of one no trump shows a balanced 16-18, North must have 19-20 points, possibly 21. That makes game borderline, but you do have two sources of tricks in the minors, and partner knows where most of the high cards are located. At this vulnerability, we would choose the more aggressive course of shooting for game. Raise to three no trump.
XThis column is written by Tannah Hirsch and Omar Sharif. For information about Charles Goren's newsletter for bridge players, call (800) 788-1225 or write Goren Bridge Letter, P.O. Box 4410, Chicago, Ill. 60680
& copy;2002 Tribune Media Services