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BADGER School district seeks site for new building

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Two of the district's four schools are among 10 the state says are in the worst shape.
KINSMAN -- Joseph Badger School District has its eye on several pieces of property that one day could house a new state-of-the-art building.
The board of education met Monday to discuss the possible purchase of land.
Superintendent Richard Pachuk declined to say where the sites are but did say that discussions have centered on construction of a $27 million school to house all grades.
The district now has four schools -- a high school in Kinsman, a middle school in Vernon Township, and Gustavus and Hartford elementary schools.
Funding from Ohio: The district is in line for funding from the Ohio School Facilities Commission, but Pachuk isn't sure when that money would be available. The board needs to discuss land so it's ready when the money is available, he said.
The district estimates it will get about $17 million from the OSFC. Voters would first have to pass a bond issue to raise the $10 million local share, Pachuk said.
Joe Logan, school board vice president, said the buildings are old and in need of repair, with original construction dating back to 1912 through 1936. The most recent additions were in the 1960s.
A site selection committee has looked at 30 sites, all within 21/2 miles of Kinsman and Vernon. Logan said it could be 2004 or 2005 before voters are asked to approve a bond issue.
The middle school and Hartford Elementary are on an "exceptional needs" list compiled by the state, ranking among the top 10 schools in Ohio in need of dramatic upgrades.
Logan said this could persuade the state to free up some of the district's money early to speed up construction. If not, the district would have to make repairs and upgrades to get it through the next few years.
Community meetings: The district has conducted several community meetings.
"I was very surprised we actually came to a consensus pretty quickly and that what's best for the students would be to have one kind of central campus," he explained.
This would allow the district better use of its technology, equipment and facilities, including gymnasiums and cafeterias, officials have said.