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YOUNGSTOWN A push for security agency

By Bob Jackson

Thursday, June 20, 2002

YOUNGSTOWN -- If Congress approves President Bush's request to create a Department of Homeland Security, local officials want him to consider the Mahoning Valley as its headquarters.
Mahoning County Commissioner Vicki Allen Sherlock has written a letter to Bush and other federal leaders, promoting the benefits of locating the new agency here.
"It's definitely worth a shot, even though I know it's a long shot," Sherlock said.
Earlier this month, Bush proposed creation of a new Cabinet department that would be in charge of domestic security. It would probably be located somewhere other than Washington, D.C., or other metropolitan areas, since those would most likely be terrorist targets, Sherlock said.
If that's what Congress decides to do, Sherlock said she wants the Mahoning Valley to be first to put out the welcome mat.
"We need to get out there first," Sherlock said. "We need to start to talk about this, build some momentum and get everyone on the same page."
Good sign
She said Bush's recognition of Youngstown last year as a renewal community indicates his awareness of the area's efforts to rebuild its struggling economy.
"Establishing the Department of Homeland Security in the Mahoning Valley would both provide an important tool for economic development for our area and its people, and be a great source of pride," Sherlock wrote in her letter.
Besides her Mahoning County colleagues, Sherlock said she'll ask Trumbull County commissioners to sign the letter. She'll also seek support from area congressmen, senators and state legislators.
"I'm definitely in favor of it," said Trumbull Commissioner Michael O'Brien. "Being proactive in something like this is definitely the way to go."
The Valley would be an ideal location because of its proximity midway between New York and Chicago, and the fact that half the nation's population lives within 500 miles of the area, Sherlock said.
There are abundant and adequate highways and rail lines through the area, and it's accessible from the air via the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport. The area is also within two hours of Lake Erie, one of North America's busiest freshwater ports, Sherlock said.
Added security
Having the Air Force Reserve base at the airport would be an important boost for security, should the headquarters be built near there, O'Brien said.
Sherlock said there are other sites in both counties that would make suitable homes for the homeland security office.
Mahoning Commissioner Ed Reese said all those things make the Valley a strong candidate.
"You have to ask for things if you're going to make anything happen," Reese said. "It makes as much sense to bring it here as anywhere else."