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Civilization has much to thank Catholic Church for

Friday, July 26, 2002

Civilization has much to thank Catholic Church for
I would like to thank a recent writer from New Castle for his letter to the editor on July 18.
In a few short paragraphs, he set the record straight regarding the translation of the Bible. He deflected a subtle but powerful piece of misinformation and anti-Catholic propaganda with facts and history.
We Catholics are not the Bible-hating idolators many of our Christian brothers and sisters think we are. We just believe that the Bible can be interpreted many different ways, and it is wise and prudent to have some guidance when studying it.
That is not to say that we Catholics do not read the Bible on our own, but to change theologies over a scripture verse without looking a the big picture is foolhardy. The Bible is, in fact, a huge collection of books, and one can find in it things to justify almost any point of view.
Although our Catholic traditions go back 2000 years, we are a living church, growing and changing and, yes, sinning -- but being forgiven just as all are forgiven who wish to be.
I would like to challenge all Christians, Catholics and non-Catholics alike, to study the history of the Catholic faith. See for yourself the history of the Catholic faith. See for yourself the good the church has done, before Luther and after.
Advances in education and science were brought about by Catholic men and women in every century since the birth of Christ. Find as I did, that our civilization would be far worse off today if not for Jesus Christ and the Church he founded.
YSU would be better off with fewer administrators
Students at Youngstown State University are fed up with tuition increase. The faculty and the classified personnel are about to strike. Yet the YSU administration finds it necessary to create new administrative positions.
Can someone please inform me why President Sweet needs so many highly paid "special assistants?"
We already have highly paid and highly competent people who hold the position of executive director and are responsibile for managing every department the "mini-presidents" are overseeing.
Why does President Sweet require so much special assistance operating this university? Is it that difficult? And just who is in charge around here? What exactly does President Sweet do all day while these "mini-presidents" are operating YSU? Can't President Sweet find the time to meet with the APAS department heads and personally hold them accountable for their departments? I don't understand the need for these middlemen. By the way, if your readers haven't noticed, with the exception of the vice-president of student affairs, Dr. Cynthia Anderson, they are all men.
This is a medium-to-small size university to manage. Hasn't anyone ever heard the clich & eacute;, "Too many cooks spoil the broth"? If the president is in over his head, maybe he should consider walking to Williamson Hall and enrolling in a management class. The YSU School of Business is highly accredited.
Does a university of our size, 12,000 students, really require a provost and two assistant provosts? Shouldn't one provost be able to manage seven academic deans who in turn manage the 36 academic chairpersons?
Kent and Akron are just around the corner. I suggest this administration do what ever it takes to prevent a strike or step aside and let someone in who can.
X The writer is a sophomore at YSU.