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Raglan-Route 46 changes get nods

Thursday, January 31, 2002

HOWLAND -- Changes to an Ohio Department of Transformation project to move the Raglan Drive intersection at state Route 46 seem to have satisfied most residents who opposed the plan earlier, according to John Emanuel, Howland Township administrator.
ODOT is proposing to move the Raglan-46 intersection 300 yards south so it lines up with Kings Graves Road. A traffic light is planned for the new corner.
After opposition at a public hearing on the project in February, ODOT altered its plans to create a cul-de-sac on the old section of Raglan, so it cannot be used as a shortcut around the traffic light.
Several businesses, including a carwash and a convenience store, will be on the section of the street which could then be reached only from state Route 46. The residential section of the road will only be open to traffic from the other end.
About 40 people attended a hearing this week on the changes.
"By and large, people were amenable to the project," Emanuel said. "There was no strong opposition."
Work on the $1.6 million project is to begin in spring 2004.