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GIRARD Mayor receives approval to apply for federal grant

By Tim Yovich

Tuesday, January 29, 2002

Girard lawmakers took action prohibiting trash from being put out to the curb too early.
GIRARD -- City council has given Mayor James Melfi authority to apply for a $300,000 federal grant to help the Parkwood area.
If approved, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development funds would be used for infrastructure improvements.
The economically distressed area in the southeast corner of the city is generally bounded by Interstate 80 to the north, U.S. Route 422 to the west and city limits to the south and east.
A survey of households in the Parkwood area shows that 81 percent are at low- to moderate-income levels, qualifying it for the grants.
The money could be used for resurfacing, sewer improvements and sidewalk repairs.
Trash legislation: In other business Monday, lawmakers approved legislation prohibiting trash from being placed at the curb more than 24 hours before the scheduled pickup.
The new law will be enforced by the zoning or health departments.
A first-time offender could be fined $250, and a third-time violator could be sentenced to 30 days in jail and fined $250.
Councilman Renny Paolone, D-1st, pushed for the legislation to help improve the appearance of neighborhoods.
During the meeting, Daniel Moadus, a former councilman, asked the administration to look into noise being created by a metal crusher at Interstate Processors Ltd. on Furnace Lane.
Moadus said the crusher operates for about four hours beginning at 4:30 a.m. and is an annoyance to his south side neighborhood.
Melfi said Interstate's foreman, Thomas Grumley, a former councilman and a current school board member, told him the crusher is operated during the early hours because of the cheaper electric rates at the time.
The mayor told Moadus, who wants the noise stopped or Interstate's permit to operate withdrawn, that he will have the noise levels monitored.
During a council finance committee meeting before the council session, city Treasurer John Martin said 10 wage garnishment notices will be sent to employers this week.
Martin said they are the first notices being sent to those found guilty in municipal court of not paying their city income taxes.
The delinquencies are under $3,000, Martin said.
The city treasurer began gathering information to prosecute delinquents after the city was placed under a state-imposed fiscal emergency.