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Tips from fashion consultant help you get the proper fit

Sunday, December 22, 2002

NEW YORK (AP) -- Fit might be even more important than fashion when it comes to looking good.
Cotton Inc., a trade group that promotes the fabric, offers guidance on how to create a wardrobe that fits you to a "T."
The most recent edition of Lifestyle Monitor, Cotton Inc.'s newsletter, says that fit matters most in jackets and pants.
"Check to see if the waist is in the proper place from top to bottom," advises Annie Brumbaugh, a personal wardrobe consultant in New York. "If the jacket is too long waisted for the wearer, it will bunch above the waist when buttoned. If the jacket is too short waisted, it will be uncomfortable and the wearer will feel like pulling it down all the time."
When you are trying on a jacket, make sure you button it, even if you don't plan on ever wearing it buttoned. If the jacket is too tight to button, it's probably too tight, Brumbaugh says.
And when having pants hemmed, wear the shoes you will most often wear with the pants.
If pants have narrow legs, the length should be a little shorter, a little break at the shoe; if pants are wide or straight, the length should fall to the joint of the shoe.