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Woman's right to choose does have limitations

Sunday, August 18, 2002

Woman's right to choose does have limitations
A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body.
I'm confused. It's OK to have your child scraped to death with a sharp surgical instrument. It's just not OK to show pictures of it.
Why so squeamish?
Why cringe from the truth, if you are proud to defend that truth?
A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. Except that there is no legal right to inject heroin into it, steal with it, set someone's house on fire with it, use it in prostitution, child pornography, graffiti, trespassing, jaywalking or choking a neighbor to death.
Why? Because actions can infringe on the rights of other human beings.
A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. She may certainly choose to have suction devices turned on inside her uterus. But if another human being's body happens to be in there, his or her rights are sacrificed -- legally, of course.
A woman has a right to do what she wants with her own body. It's the baby's body that dies.
As the bumper sticker says, abortion doesn't make you unpregnant; it makes you the mother of a dead baby. "The right to choose" skips the direct object: the right to choose what?
More to MetroParks than the developed portion
In reference to the very interesting article about Susan Dicken, the new executive director of Mill Creek MetroParks, I believe that we should not forget that while the "developed" portion of Mill Creek Park covers some 2,600 acres (as the story by Ian Hill accurately states), there is a substantial portion of the park that is "undeveloped."
This is "Hitchcock Woods," which runs almost two miles south of Route 224 and covers some 1,000 acres. About 500 acres of this densely wooded area straddles Mill Creek north of the Boardman Sewage Treatment Plant and thus helps protect the creeks' watershed. The other 500 acres jogs east and borders Hitchcock Road to the east and Angline Drive to the south.
I am sure the residents of West Parkside and Spring Park drives, both of which border the portion of Hitchcock Woods where the fall deer hunts aimed at reducing the size of the park's deer herd have been focused, fully realize that their backyards mesh into Mill Creek Park.
It would be interesting to know what plans, if any, the MetroPark has for this undeveloped portion of the park. But it is comforting to know that this small portion of southern Mahoning County, at lease, is protected against the suburban sprawl now creeping out from Youngstown.
Bertram went over the top
Enough is enough! With all that is going on in the city, county, state and country all Bertram could find to talk about is hairpieces. How disgusting for a man with a full head of hair to belittle those who have no hair or very little. Talk about vanity!
Let's get on to more positive thinking and constructive rebuilding in our community.
Kids in wheelchairs can now enjoy playground
Today, when so many negatives have been reported about people in our Valley who break the law, have no morals or ethics or do not care for other people, I must tell you about a group of dedicated parents have done something wonderful for the children in our community.
Last year, the Poland North PTA decided to renovate the community playground on our property. Because our building is one story, we have had several children in wheelchairs who were not able to use the playground because the surface made it impossible to get wheelchairs to the play equipment. The parents decided it would be wonderful to make this a handicap-accessible playground.
The playground is now almost complete, thanks to the generosity of many dads who gave up Saturdays and evenings with their families, worked in 90-degree heat and donated hours and hours of hard labor. Thanks must also be given to businesses in the area that donated equipment, materials and personnel to the project. Finally the Mahoning County Recycling Division helped us reach our goal through grants which enabled us to purchase all recycled materials for this project.
The cost for this project is approximately $125,000. It has cost the citizens of Poland $5,000. The rest came from fundraisers held by the children at the school and a few private donations but mostly the efforts of about 10 dedicated dads and the members of the PTA.
They will make many children happy and are an example of what is right in this Valley. It has been my honor and privilege to work with them.
X The writer is the principal of North Elementary School.
Economic terrorism as bad as that from abroad
Many months ago I wrote a letter to The Vindicator in regard to the bankruptcy of LTV Steel and how it related to the terrorism that is now this nation's most viable threat -- or is it? The acts of Sept. 11 were deplorable and cowardly, at the least, but since that time we have seen a new threat that makes the shutdown of CSC and LTV in our area seem like just a temporary setback.
We see the likes of Enron, WorldCom, Tyco, and now, of all people, Martha Stewart. These companies and their CEOs have virtually destroyed the lives of hundreds of thousands of their employees, while they ride off into the sunset with their ill-gotten gains.
While Osama bin Laden and his Al-Qaida along with other terrorist groups can make it very tough for Americans to feel safe in their homes, it's the CEOs of large companies that are making it impossible for Americans to even own a home.
So whom should we be most afraid of? The terrorist without or the terrorist within?
Spiritual depth important part of Villa education
I am writing in response to Patricia Meade's Aug. 2 column comparing Jim Traficant's predicament to her experiences at Villa Maria High School.
I, too, attended the Villa and found it ultimately to be one of the most benefiting and fulfilling experiences shaping my life. Although I grudgingly entered as a freshman (no boys!), I emerged a graduating senior with close friends, a solid education, and a spiritual depth for which I am thankful.
Yes, there were some silly rules and eccentric nuns. Our social skills with members of the opposite sex would have to be delayed until college; and we students were made to believe, at times, that the only vocation for us was the convent.
These aggravations pale in comparison to the overall package of caring nuns and dedicated lay teachers. With a student-teacher ratio of 10 to one, we received much attention and quickly and easily became close to one or more faculty members.
The curriculum was well ahead of its time with a modular bell system, a learning center for skill reinforcement and enhancement, and advanced placement classes with visiting college professors. January mini-courses such as short-hand, current events, and gymnastics provided us with a needed respite form academics.
The diversity of the student population that the Villa attracted provided an environment for acceptance of cultures and religions. Black, Caucasian, Asian, Hispanic, and Indian girls attended the Villa; they hailed from all over the U.S. and as far away as South America. Young women of Jewish, Catholic and other Christian faiths were part of the Villa's landscape.
The curriculum was developed by teachers at the Villa campus and published at their own Center for Learning, which has expanded abundantly and is still flourishing today. The carefully designed individual and group retreats were opportune times for me to reflect, renew and grow spiritually. I appreciate this aspect more as I grow older.
I'm sorry Ms. Meade ended up with such a negative taste of the Villa Maria. I believe there are many more Villa girls than not who affirm rather than negate the Villa, and felt compelled to write in order to present a more balanced view.
X The writer was a member of Villa's class of 1976.