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LISBON Construction halted until state approves plans

Saturday, October 27, 2001

Work on the women's apartment complex was to have started this summer.
LISBON -- Groundbreaking on a $1.2 million apartment complex for troubled women and their children is postponed until spring.
The delay is the result of it taking more time than anticipated in getting state approval of construction plans, Maryann Theiss of the Family Recovery Center said Friday.
The recovery center, a nonprofit social services agency, is guiding the project.
Late submission: Theiss said there is nothing seriously wrong with the plans for the 10-apartment structure. They were submitted to the state in June for approval, which is expected to come any time.
The recovery center had hoped work could have begun this summer. But it's now too late in the year to start a new project, so groundbreaking is being postponed until spring when the weather improves.
It's expected to take about a year to complete the complex, which will be built in a commercial area along Rose Drive on Lisbon's north side.
Those who benefit: Plans call for a facility that will provide temporary homes to women who are trying to overcome substance abuse.
Among the women who will qualify to stay at the one-, two- or three-bedroom apartments will be those who are homeless, or just getting out of jail, battered women's shelters or long-term substance abuse treatment centers.
Their children also may live at the complex.
Maximum stay will be two years, during which occupants' rent will be based on their ability to pay.
While they're staying at the complex, the women will receive help in overcoming substance abuse and guidance in matters such as developing job and parenting skills.
To fund construction, the recovery center landed more than $1 million in state and federal grants. The agency also is borrowing $100,000.
The recovery center also has obtained a $200,000-a-year renewable federal grant that will be used to help operate the complex.