Friday, October 26, 2001
The total raised so far is just shy of half the goal.
WARREN -- Targeting former contributors who have retired is one way the United Way of Trumbull County hopes to meet its goals in a slowing economy.
United Way delivered the midway report of its 2001 campaign Thursday at the Warren YWCA.
"We're on track with 48 percent raised so far," said George W. Chestnut, campaign chairman, adding that he's optimistic the goal will be achieved.
The campaign has garnered $1,420,178 of this year's $2,935,000 goal.
Retirees: Campaign officials created the retiree division this year as a way to tap into new giving. Retirees initially were mailed information about the campaign and meetings with organizations also are being used to get the message across.
Most people give to the campaign through work, and the idea is to continue that giving after they retire. The retiree division so far has raised $52,174 of its $88,000 goal.
A slowing economy, including the closing of CSC in Champion, and ongoing retirements from large area employers add to campaign challenges.
"We have to find a way to make up for those lost donations," Chestnut said. "The economy softening anyway was a concern to begin with."
Non-profit agencies across the United States have reported a decline in charitable giving as people opt to donate this year to the victims of the terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania, instead of local giving.
"We have a concern about that," Chestnut said. "We've told our volunteers the need to stress that we have to be able to respond to local disasters and ask them to remind the community of that."
The luncheon attendees heard from John and Marian Scott of Cortland, who recently returned from New York City where they worked at the World Trade Center disaster site. The couple worked as American Red Cross volunteers, providing food and shelter for emergency workers.
The Red Cross is one of 28 United Way affiliate agencies, providing more than 140 programs and services. The agencies receive funding from the United Way.
Getting word out: Chestnut said campaign volunteers must get the word out about the services provided through the United Way of Trumbull County.
"One in three Trumbull County residents use United Way services," he said.
The final campaign report meeting will be Dec. 12 at the Avalon Inn and Resort in Howland.