Saturday, October 20, 2001
The Baseball School -- is offering a pitching/hitting camp on Mondays from Nov. 5 through Dec. 10. Call Matt at (330) 793-5605.
Becdir Construction -- Class B team is looking for players ages 14-17 for the 2002 season holding tryouts this weekend. For information call (330) 755-5676.
Indoor 4-on-4 league -- will be played at Valley Sports, Ltd. in the winter months. For details, call Frank Catone at (330) 755-1661.
Valley Sports, Ltd. in Struthers -- is registering individuals and teams for the first indoor session which will begin next month. For details, call (330) 755-1661.
SOI Soccer Club -- will hold tryouts for their & amp;-12 boys team at Valley Sports Complex Wednesday at 6 p.m. Call 788-7284.
West End Girls Fastpitch Park -- will have a Halloween ASA Classic Tournament on Nov. 3-4. Teams ages 14-younger will compete. Call Chris Vitello (330) 747-5056.
Boardman Youth -- beginning its 14th year will have signups for the 2001-02 season Tuesday at Boardman High from 6 p.m. until 8. The Youth program is for boys in grades K through sixth grade. Call Gary Walter at 726-8472 or Jerry Pasquale at 726-2115.