Thursday, October 18, 2001
Plaques honoring a police officer killed in the line of duty and area veterans will be placed on city property.
SHARON, Pa. -- Mayor Robert T. Price has had a tree planted on the lawn at city hall in memory of a former Sharon woman killed in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center.
Price said Wednesday that Rebecca Koborie's favorite color was pink, so he selected a pink flowering crab tree to honor her.
The tree will be dedicated in a ceremony at 11:30 a.m. Friday, the mayor said, noting that Koborie's parents, John and Julianne Koborie of Trumbull Drive, will participate.
Koborie, 48, of Guttenburg, N.J., was working on the 97th floor of the North Tower of the World Trade Center when it was hit by the first of two hijacked airliners that crashed into the building. No trace of her has been found.
Her family had a memorial service for her Saturday in Covenant Presbyterian Church.
Plaques: Price said he is also having two plaques placed on city property honoring a police officer who died on duty and the area's military veterans.
A plaque honoring Sgt. Michael S. Monoc, who died of a heart attack May 16, 1990, while directing traffic at the scene of an accident, will be placed in a newly landscaped area adjacent to the entrance to the police department. It will be dedicated at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 25.
Price said a plaque honoring area veterans will be dedicated at 10 a.m. Nov. 11, Veterans Day, in Veterans' Walkway on West State Street. That plaque will be placed on a large piece of sandstone near the rear of the walkway overlooking the Shenango River.