Friday, October 12, 2001
The ex-director has retained a lawyer, but doesn't know if he will pursue legal action.
MERCER, Pa. -- Jeff Swartzbeck, who had held the county finance director's post for four years, said he was given the choice to either resign or be fired.
County commissioners accepted the resignation Thursday. Neither commissioners nor Swartzbeck would say what precipitated the action.
Not at meeting: Swartzbeck did not attend Thursday's meeting. Contacted afterward, he said he was suspended from the post with pay Sept. 11 and then received notice from commissioners that he would not be paid after Oct. 5.
Swartzbeck said he doesn't know what is behind the commissioners' action.
False allegations: In a statement handed out by his wife, Janet, he said that though some false allegations were made about him, he had offered to respond to any issues, and, "in the event that my credibility was involved, to submit to a polygraph test." But the offer "was repeatedly either ignored or declined by the board of commissioners," he said.
"I wanted a chance to clear myself but had no opportunity," he said.
Although he would not say what the allegations are, Swartzbeck did say his handling of a recent credit card controversy involving Commissioner Brian Shipley was mentioned. He would not elaborate.
He was referring to questions raised about whether a credit card used by Shipley was a county credit card or Shipley's personal credit card. The question has not been resolved.
His plans: Swartzbeck said his immediate plans include looking for another job. He has retained a lawyer, but said he doesn't know if he will pursue legal action.
Commissioners could not say how Swartzbeck's resignation will affect one of the finance director's main jobs -- preparation of the preliminary 2002 budget, which is due in early December. Commission Chairman Gene Brenneman said he is not sure whether the job vacancy will be advertised.
For now, Swartzbeck's duties will be handled by Roberta Leonard, grant and allocation specialist.
Grant request: In other business Thursday, commissioners agreed to submit a request for a $30,298 grant to the State Department of Environmental Protection for reimbursement of costs of the 2001 revision to the county's Municipal Solid Waste Management Plan. The 80 percent grant would provide $24,234, with the remainder to be provided through county employee hours.
They encumbered $100,000 in liquid fuels tax funds for replacement of the bridge on North Cottage Road in Jackson Township.