YOUNGSTOWN U.S. companies to provide screeners for airports

YOUNGSTOWN -- The airline security bill passed Friday in Congress includes language sponsored by U.S. Rep. James A. Traficant Jr. requiring only American companies to be permitted to provide private screeners at American airports.
The bill puts airport screening under federal control. Traficant's provision requires that companies providing screening at U.S. airports be American-based.
The situation: The three largest private airport screening companies at U.S. airports are foreign, Traficant said. The bill gives airports a one-year transition period to make the change.
After the three years, airports would have the option to return to private contractors, but with increased federal oversight, Traficant said.
"This is a national security issue and under no circumstance should we allow our national security responsibilities to fall into the hands of foreign interests," said Traficant of Poland, D-17th.
"This bill is a good compromise. It achieves my original goal of increasing the presence of federal oversight of screeners, and it brings the responsibility of providing safety and security in our airports back home where it belongs."