Hubbard school board cuts 8 employees from its staff

HUBBARD -- The board of education made little mention of a recently defeated 9.9-mill operating levy, saying only that new levy language must be ready by Aug. 23 to have it placed on the November ballot.
The levy ends in 2002.
The board placed eight certified and classified employees on reduction-in-force status Wednesday.
Board members said they hope that retirements and voluntary transfers will allow them to bring those eight workers back on staff by the beginning of the 2001-02 school year.
The eight are three teachers, an intervention specialist, a study hall monitor, a bus driver and two teacher aides.
The board also approved supplemental contracts for Scott Grover as boys basketball coach and Dave Konczal as girls golf coach for next year.
Aired concerns: High school teachers and students voiced concerns about air ventilation quality in Room 101 and the resulting asthma and migraines of several students and personnel.
Judy Montgomery, board president, said state Occupational Safety and Health Administration officials have reported that all air levels are acceptable, but the board will look at any new evidence to the contrary.
The board approved rate changes for Hubbard Community Pool effective June 11.
Admission rates for adults rose from $2 to $3; children from $1 to $2; and senior citizens from 50 cents to $1.
The board also approved increases for the cost of swimming lessons and yearly and summer memberships.
Residents should check with the board for those prices.