Sewer system is recommended for Winona septic problems

SALEM -- Columbiana County commissioners expect to decide in the next few weeks what sort of sewer system will be installed in the Winona area to remedy pollution caused by faulty septic systems.
Commissioners announced the recommendations of a county-hired engineering firm Thursday at a public meeting in Winona. W.E. Quicksall and Associates Inc. of New Philadelphia, Ohio, is suggesting that a sewer system be installed to serve the nearly 100 affected homes and businesses.
Waste would then be pumped to a county sewer system about two miles away that serves the Guilford Lake area, Commissioner Dave Cranmer explained today.
Cost of the new system would be about $1.1 million. Homeowners and businesses benefiting from it would have to pay the cost, although the county is scouting for grants to reduce the expense.