TRUMBULL COUNTY Elections board

Discarded 10 absentee ballots submitted without the voters' signatures, and one ballot that bore the signature of the voter's husband.Discarded three Niles absentee ballots delivered by a single person who was not a relative of the voters. The law specifies that hand-delivered ballots be dropped off by a relative, said Norma J. Williams, the board's director.Learned that 15,309 people have been purged from the rolls of registered voters, according to federal law. The people had not voted in the past four years or responded to a postcard from the board of elections, Williams said. If they still live in the area, they must re-register at least 30 days prior to an election in order to vote. Another 1,300 people were removed from the rolls after the Secretary of State discovered that they were more recently registered to vote in another Ohio county, she said.Voted to hold a special meeting with representatives of the county prosecutor's office to inquire if the prosecutor would represent the local board at an Ohio Elections Commission hearing May 31. The state board will be looking into Trumbull County Sheriff Thomas Altiere's campaign finances dating back to 1993.