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YSU PROVOST Background

Wednesday, June 27, 2001

Dr. Tony Atwater's professional experience:
1999-present: Dean, College of Professional Studies and Education, Northern Kentucky University.
1995-99: Associate vice president for academic affairs, University of Toledo.
1994-95: Special assistant to the provost and vice president for academic affairs, University of Connecticut.
1991-94: Chairman, department of journalism and mass media, Rutgers University, New Jersey.
1988-91: Assistant director of the honors college and associate professor of journalism, Michigan State University.
1983-87: Assistant professor of journalism, Michigan State.
1980-82: Teaching assistant and instructor, Michigan State.
1978-79: Radio/television specialist, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & amp; State University, Blacksburg, Va.
1976-78: Assignment editor/news reporter, WSET-TV, Lynchburg, Va.
1975-76: News director, WPVR-FM Radio, Roanoke, Va.
1973-74: News reporter, WSLC Radio, Roanoke, Va.
1971-72: Assistant news director/reporter, WTOY Radio, Roanoke, Va.
Source: Tony Atwater's r & eacute;sum & eacute;