COLUMBIANA CORNER Family ties show in government

With the appointment last week of Scott Cranmer as Salem's safety director, there are now two Cranmers serving in administrative positions in area government.
Scott is the brother of Columbiana County Commissioner Dave Cranmer.
Mayor Larry DeJane named Scott safety director earlier this month after he retired in March from a nearly 30-year career as a Salem police officer. He is filling the post vacated by the death May 27 of Hank Willard.
Dave, who was elected county commissioner in 1998, also has years of working for Salem under his belt, having been a city firefighter for nearly three decades.
A reversal: Columbiana County commissioners were recently approving rental of the county juvenile justice center gym for a 25-year high school reunion when they jokingly wondered who would "chaperone" the middle-aged participants.
"Their children will chaperone them," cracked Commissioner Sean Logan.
Back to the '60s: Sgt. Joe Friday of the 1960s "Dragnet" police drama apparently has a few fans among the officers of the Columbiana police. The department's fax cover sheet alerts recipients they are about to receive "just the fax."
XContributors: Norman Leigh and Nancy Tullis of the Vindicator Salem Bureau.