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Card-trading event at Newton Falls library

Tuesday, June 12, 2001

Card-trading eventat Newton Falls library
NEWTON FALLS -- Youths may attend a "Play and Trade Card Game Night" from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday at Newton Falls Public Library. Participants may bring Pok & eacute;mon, Star Wars, Magic the Gathering and other cards to play or trade. Snacks will be provided.
Kinship Care Program
YOUNGSTOWN -- The Kinship Care Program will have an educational workshop from 8:30 a.m. to noon June 20 for community leaders and relatives who are parenting children full time. The purpose of this workshop, which will take place in the Kilcawley Center's Chestnut Room at Youngstown State University, is to educate the public about the growing number of kinship caregivers in Mahoning County. Some of the topics will be: "Why Children are Placed with Relatives," "Assistance for Kinship Caregivers" and the "Legal Aspects of Kinship Care." Call (330) 746-3069 to register.
Diabetes health fair
GREENVILLE, Pa. -- The Region Diabetes Center of UPMC Horizon will sponsor a diabetes health fair Friday in assembly rooms A and B at the Greenville facility. Free blood glucose and blood pressure screenings, displays by sales representatives, supplies and literature will be at the fair. For information, call the center at (724) 488-2100, Ext. 6163.