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No more coverage for publicity-hound Traficant

Saturday, June 9, 2001

No more coverage for publicity-hound Traficant
Finally, your lead editorial "No, Mr. Traficant, we don't share your view of things" in last Saturday's newspaper, spoke for those whom I hope are the majority in the Mahoning Valley.
In my mind, the screaming headlines, the many articles written by your newspaper and the other voices of local news media these past months have just fed Mr. Traficant's ego. Jim Traficant is street- smart and knows just how to use your paper to gain his own selfish agenda. In my mind, he is now using your paper and has just used WKBN to begin his defense of his indictments in a trial that is to be held in federal court in Cleveland in February 2002. With all this publicity, how will an impartial jury ever be seated from the people of Northeast Ohio?
Oh, I know, he's news and if we do not publish his words and broadcast his obscene words, such as "The FBI made a whorehouse of the Mahoning Valley," someone else would do it. He has had all the publicity that he deserves. It is time for all local media to shut down his story for the next eight months.
There are many fine people in the Mahoning Valley who are working behind the scenes to help straighten out corruption and make the area a better place. The Mahoning Valley is falling behind much of the rest of the United States when it comes to finding new companies that will provide work for our young and working-age people. What company wants to bring its business and young families to Jim Traficant's "Whorehouse" community?
One of your newspaper's goals should be to take a better leadership role in building up our Valley with a more positive approach. Listen to the many voices of those who do not support Jim Traficant. Believe me when I say, "We are out here."
Communities workingtogether can stem blight
Thank you for focusing public attention on blight in our community. Your series was thorough and the subject is most important to the economic health of the community.
Sadly, in my years as county auditor I have seen the real estate value of older areas decline considerably, a fact largely attributable to blight. According to Moody's and Standard & amp; Poor's, a stable or growing assessed value for a community is a key factor in determining its economic health and viability and for deciding whether to recommend investment. Consequently, this loss of value hurts the entire region not just those living in the blighted community.
If we are to improve the local economy, this problem must be worked on by serious minded people. Successfully implemented solutions would take us a long way into a brighter economic future. Obviously, solving it begins with recognizing it as a problem, which your article superbly accomplished.
Perhaps you will consider further service to the community by sponsoring a forum with the objective of formulating a strategic plan. Certainly the leaders featured in your articles would participate. Also, there are other resources in the community that could be brought to bear. Communities working together on this problem could have substantial positive benefits. Again, thank you for providing this public service.
X The writer is Mahoning County auditor.
No slight intended to Merchant Marine
On behalf of American Legion Post 301 and V.F.W. Post 4237 I wish to apologize for leaving the Merchant Marines out of our program. We realize that thousand of Merchant Marines gave their lives to deliver materials to troops overseas and were not given due credit until a few years back.
Our speaker did not have notes in front of him, and I am very sure it was a honest mistake. We do not want to slight any veteran of any war or conflict. So once again, our deepest apology.
X The writer is the service officer of American Legion Post 301.