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Supervisors can't help couple bothered by airplane noises

Friday, August 17, 2001

NEW CASTLE -- Union Township supervisors apparently have no authority to regulate New Castle Airport operations, which are bothering a local couple.
Jim and Donna Szumlanski, who live on U.S. Route 224 just west of Fording Road, have complained previously to supervisors that frequent flights beginning in early morning and lasting until 11 p.m. are disrupting their peace and their lives.
Mrs. Szumlanski said there are loud noises every five minutes or so, as planes take off and land on the runway near her house. She said that recently the planes have been buzzing her property, making life nearly intolerable.
The couple have complained to local and state officials and contacted the Federal Aviation Administration, but they say they are continually directed back to the local municipality which they are told can regulate hours of takeoff and landing.
No one from the airport responded to a call seeking comment Thursday night.
Union Township Solicitor Don Nicolls, in an Aug. 7 letter to supervisors, said that township zoning can not regulate hours of operation or flight volume at an airport.
Supervisor Ralph Nuzzo told the Szumlanskis their only alternative is to turn to civil court for relief.
The couple criticized the supervisors for failing to contact the FAA despite being provided letters and phone numbers.