Established in 1910 by individuals and families in the Valley such as the Stambaughs, Crandalls,

Established in 1910 by individuals and families in the Valley such as the Stambaughs, Crandalls, Maags, Butlers and Wilkersons, it was operated until 1980 by the Fresh Air Board of Trustees.
Thousands of children over the years received food, medical attention and adult-supervised recreation and guidance.
In 1981, Camp Challenge was given to the D & amp;E Counseling Center by the last two remaining trustees of the Fresh Air Camp board. D & amp;E has invested more than $150,000 to refurbish the property.
It costs $50,000 to operate Camp Challenge for six weeks in July and August. The sessions are from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. four days a week.