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Sarah Palin's Kenyan connection

Like Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, the Republican nominee for vice president, Sarah Palin, has a connection to Kenya, the East African nation that right-wing GOPers had claimed was a Muslim country — until the Palin link became public.Obama's father was from Kenya — but was a student in the …

Youngstown's mayor aces audition

It was a performance that lent itself to speculation about Youngstown Mayor Jay Williams' future. During his introduction of  U.S. Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, at a rally Thursday in downtown Youngstown, the mayor not only said all the right things about Biden and Democratic presidential nominee …

Republicans to America: Go forth and multiply

Is there any question that had the Democratic ticket trotted out a pregnant 17-year-old unmarried daughter of the vice presidential nominee, Republicans would have spent their entire convention berating those godless, liberal Democrats for not having family values? Is there any doubt that the GOP gathering would have made the …

It's not about the pregnancy. It's about hiding it

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who will be nominated this week at the Republican National Convention as John McCain's vice presidential running mate, revealed Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant. Palin, whose presence on the GOP ticket is designed to appease the right wing of the party that has been …