

« Stirfry

What did Joe Scarborough mean?

During a discussion Friday morning about Barack Obama's political problems as a result of incendiary racial comments made by his pastor, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough mentioned Youngstown, Ohio, as he talked about the racial divide that still exists in America.The segment of the Scarborough show can be viewed by clicking …

A fake college degree? What a surprise!

Those of us in private sector employment can huff and puff all we want about public sector workers making out like bandits when it comes to their salaries and benefits, but nothing will change so long as the pension plan that now exists is calculated on the average of the …

A fallen hero?

Last May, the New York Times published a story about Ohio Attorney General Marc Dann and contended that he could well succeed Eliot Spitzer of New York as the most aggressive state AG. But the Times also reported that when Dann was asked whether he was trying to emulate Spitzer, …