

« Stirfry

Was Mayor Williams snubbed?

When Barack Obama appeared on the campus of Youngstown State University, more than 6,000 people roared their approval as he stepped on stage in Beeghly Center. Obama had been introduced by a white woman holding a white child, an indication that his campaign is attracting Americans of all races.But when …

A political fighter from Chicago?

During his barn-burner of a speech Monday to more than 6,000 supporters on the campus of Youngstown State University, Barack Obama, thus far the leading contender for the Democratic nomination for president, dismissed critics who say he could not stand up to Republican John McCain in the general election with …

Supremes give Aey an 'F'

Two days before the Ohio Supreme Court issued its ruling that ended David Aey's bid for Mahoning County sheriff, the incumbent, Randall Wellington, made a statement about his opponent that held out the promise of a hard-hitting, bloody Democratic primary contest.Wellington told Vindicator writers that Aey as sheriff would be …

Hey, David Betras, "Lights! Camera! Action!"

Two years ago almost to the day, Youngstown Atty. David "I never met a camera I didn't like" Betras told a gathering at Cedar's Cafe in downtown Youngstown that the Girard traffic camera was illegal and that he intended to take the the fight against it all the way to …