Brain food from the heartland


« Brain food from the heartland

Be a parent not a pushover-take your own advice.

I *just* saw an advertisement for a beer company in the guise of a public service announcement. It portrayed a father who\'s

Political prisoner

From today(23. May.07)\'s Cleveland Dealer newspaper : *acrylic paintings by prison Picasso Jim Traficant got the brushoff at


I wrote and posted the below blog last October after hearing of Bob Fitzer\'s diagnosis-a lesson for ALL of us:<br /><br />B

The unanswered knock of love, part viii: pain(emotional) as a comfort food for the heart.

<br />PAIN(emotional) AS A COMFORT FOOD FOR THE HEART(?)<br /><br />a.k.a. : Pain as a heart-stimulator<br /><br />a.k.a. : P