BCMS hosts art show


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman.Sixth-grade student Colin Russell shows his piece "Big City" during the BCMS art show May 23.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Holly Yarab shows her flag photo during the BCMS art show May 23.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Maria Serra shows her holocaust-inspired piece during the BCMS art show May 23.


Neighbors | Adrienne Crissman .Fifth-grade student Griffin Schantz displays his artwork (top right) at the art show May 23 at Boardman Center Middle School.



More than 200 pieces of artwork were displayed at the annual Boardman Center Middle School art show May 23.

The show was a culmination of the student’s work from the whole year. Pieces displayed at the show were picked by votes from the student body.

“The kids chose which pictures they thought were the best,” said Sandra Bates, fifth- and sixth-grade art teacher.

Artworks on display included two-dimensional works created with tempera or watercolor paints, printmaking, collages, pencil drawings, ink drawings, charcoal and pastel drawings and mixed media pieces. The three-dimensional works included ceramics and cardboard sculptures.

Eighth-grade students in Lori Szoke’s class mixed language arts with art and created a Holocaust memorial display.

Maria Serra explained the project. “We had to do an interpretation of the feelings surrounding the Holocaust,” said Serra.

Szoke said it’s important to integrate different subjects.

“This teaches the students that things aren’t created in isolation,” said Szoke. “It gives them the truer sense that we can come together to make a multi-sensory experience.”

Seventh- and eighth-grade art work was judged by Barb Ferranti, former arts educator. Other students received post it notes with positive comments about their art.

“We do this to inspire the artists. Not everyone gets a ribbon but it’s nice for them to see these positive comments when they look at their artwork,” said Szoke.