Trunk and treasure sale set at center

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Special to The Vindicator The Ursuline Center, 4280 Shields Road, Canfield, is preparing for its 4th Annual Car Trunk & Treasure Sale, set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. July 27. An inside rental space costs $35 for one 8-foot table and two chairs. Outside, vendors can get two standard parking spaces for $25. Members of the committee planning the sale are, from left, seated, Sister Marlene LoGrasso, Sister Nancy Pawlen and Ruthann Grant; and standing, Sister Kathleen McCarragher, Terry Supancic, Peggy Eicher, Trish Yurchekfrodl and Kathy Lattanzi. The sale will go on rain or shine, and there will be no refunds. Proceeds benefit ministries of the center, run by the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown. Registration forms and information can be obtained at or by contacting Eileen Novotny, Ursuline associate, at 330-533-3831 or