Ursuline Center sponsors trunk and treasure sale

The Ursuline Center’s fourth annual trunk and treasure sale will offer some new features.

In addition to vendors being able to reserve two outdoor parking spaces for $25, there will be indoor spaces available. For $35, vendors receive one 8-foot table with two chairs inside the auditorium. Those outside can either park and sell from their vehicles, or park elsewhere and use both spaces from which to sell. The spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Registration goes up $5 after June 30.

The event will be held July 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Vendors sell both new and used goods at the sale. Crafters are welcome. In addition to vendor activity, the Ursuline Sisters will be selling used furniture. There will be a book sale and The Ursuline Center volunteer chefs, “The Leftovers,” will sell finger foods.

The event is held rain or shine, no refunds. The Ursuline Center is located at 4280 Shields Road in Canfield. All proceeds benefit the many Ministries of The Ursuline Center, operated by the Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown. Registration forms are available at www.theursulinecenter.org. Vendors also can contact Eileen Novotny, Ursuline associate, at 330-533-3831 or ewalshnovotny@zoominternet.net.