Both vulnerable. South deals.


xA Q 10 6 4 3

u9 8 7 4

v9 4 2



x7 2 xJ 9 8 5

uQ 6 2 uK 5

vK J 10 5 3 vA Q 8 7 6

wQ 5 3 w10 4



uA J 10 3


wA K J 9 8 7 6 2

The bidding:


1w Pass 1x Pass

2u Pass 4u Pass

6u Pass Pass Pass

Opening lead: Jack of v

Aggressive bidding tends to reap rich rewards — if you have the skill, and luck, to bring home your ambitious contracts. Consider this deal.

Hands with a long club suit or, to a certain extent, a long diamond suit, are awkward to handle if you play that an opening bid of two clubs is artificial and forcing. Too much bidding space has to be consumed to describe these holdings accurately and the strong hand may become the declarer, making the defense considerably easier. Hence South elected to open one club and rebid two hearts over North’s one spade response.

When North jumped to four hearts, South pressed on to slam, since he expected to find at least one heart honor card in partner’s hand.

To say the slam had no play would be a slight stretch, as declarer demonstrated. The opening diamond lead was ruffed in the closed hand, dummy was entered with a club ruff and a low trump was led to the ten and queen. West defended as well as possible by forcing declarer again with a diamond, and now the gods smiled on South. The ace of hearts was cashed and not only did it fetch the king, but it was West who held the outstanding trump!

Declarer simply ran winning clubs. West could ruff at any time, but declarer would overruff, return to hand with the king of spades, and the good clubs would score the rest of the tricks.

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