Planning to travel? Keep meds in mind

Dear Readers: Don't let what the doctor ordered go by the wayside when you go on vacation. If you are taking medications, keep them in mind when you make travel plans.
Make a list of all the medications you're on, and include the dosage, trade and generic names.
Bring enough of each medication to last the length of the trip and maybe a day or two longer, just in case.
Pack your medications in their original containers instead of pill cases or other unlabeled bottles.
Put your medications in your carry-on bag and always keep it with you. It's a good idea to check with the airlines regarding their policies related to carry-on medications.
If your medication requires refrigeration, talk to your pharmacist or doctor about what to do.
And if you'll be crossing through several time zones, you might need to adjust the times when you take your medication. Again, ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice. Heloise
Dear Heloise: I was recently invited to a wedding shower. I selected two large pillows for the bed. I looked for a gift bag or box to accommodate them, but could not find anything large enough.
I bought one of those large, plastic totes with a lid. The pillows fit fine, and all I added was a big bow. The bride loved it. Jamie, Houston
Dear Heloise: What is the best way to care for a new leather sofa? Anita Cross in Texas
Anita, the most important thing is to read all cleaning and care instructions in the manual that should have come with your sofa. Certain leathers might require different care, so it is always best to follow the cleaning guidelines suggested by the manufacturer.
Generally, you should clean up spills immediately. Dust and vacuum using the upholstery attachment. Don't use alcohol-based, abrasive cleaners or furniture polish, as they can contain solvents that might damage the leather. Heloise
Dear Heloise: I just want to pass along a helpful hint. The small plastic caps that come on the large laundry-detergent bottles are great for keeping small things in a cabinet drawer -- also in the workshop and many other places. They contain small items in one place.
My son even spray-painted a couple of them, and they are really cute. Beckie Newhouse, via e-mail
Dear Readers: Dishwashers are sure a timesaver! Here are some hints to help you get the most from your washer and save energy to boot:
To save money, choose the air-dry cycle instead of the heated cycle to dry the dishes.
Don't overload the machine. It will keep the water from circulating, and dishes won't get clean.
Don't run the washer until it is full. Remember that the same amount of water is used no matter how many dishes are inside. Heloise
Send a money-saving or timesaving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000, or you can fax it to (210) HELOISE or e-mail it to
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