New TiVo services target fantasy football

SAN JOSE, Calif. (AP) -- A new TiVo Inc. service that was to debut Thursday will let some fantasy football fans stay glued to their televisions even while making changes to their team rosters. TiVo, a maker of digital video recorders, has teamed up with CBS Sportsline to introduce the first interactive television service for fantasy football players. The free service is for users of TiVo's Series2 recorders who are registered with the TV network's online fantasy sports leagues.
Instead of having to get on the Internet with a computer, users will be able to manage their football teams, check up-to-the-minute statistics and scores or watch highlights, all with their TiVo remote control. They'll also have access to team-related breaking news and CBS SportsLine videos, including pre-game analysis, interviews and special fantasy football content. The CBS Sportsline Fantasy Football Companion feature is the latest move by TiVo to differentiate its pioneer product from the growing number of rival digital video recorders offered by cable and satellite TV operators.
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