This and that from the world of Valley politics.
WILSON GARNERS SUPPORT: Even though Mahoning and Columbiana counties make up about one-third of the population of the 12-county 6th Congressional District, Democratic officials in both counties are throwing their support behind state Sen. Charles A. Wilson Jr., who lives in Belmont County.
When U.S. Rep. Ted Strickland, a Lisbon Democrat, announced in May 2005 that he wouldn't seek re-election this year, several well-known Mahoning Democrats salivated at the chance to run for the post.
The concern was too many would get in the race and they would cancel each other out. Instead, all the known names opted not to run.
That left Wilson of St. Clairsville and two candidates from Mahoning County who fared poorly against Strickland in 2004 seeking the Democratic nomination in May.
While Wilson doesn't need the support of Mahoning Democrats to win the primary, he is extremely visible in the county.
Wilson has the support of Mahoning Democratic Chairwoman Lisa Antonini and several county elected officials. Wilson was endorsed by the Columbiana County Democratic Party months ago. His state Senate district includes that county.
Wilson is laying the groundwork in Mahoning and Columbiana now because he's going to need help from the two counties to win the general election.