Use King holiday to broaden horizons

I take no pride in talking about my experience -- mostly a lack thereof -- with people of another race.
I can blame the lack on the happenstance of my upbringing, the demographics of my community or the circumstances of family and career.
But they're weak excuses that don't deal with what I know to be true: Achieving racial understanding and justice is crucial for our society and for our own moral integrity.
On this weekend before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I decided to tell my story of interacting with people of another race and invite you to do the same.
Perhaps each of us can discover the subtle and obvious reasons for our prejudices and narrow-mindedness. While that may not lead to instant racial harmony, it could help us see someone of another race in a new light and keep us moving forward to that day Dr. King dreamed of.
My own story
I'll start by telling my story:
I grew up in a mostly segregated city: Blacks lived in the north part of Tulsa, we whites in other areas. Sure, there were exceptions, but the 1950s and 1960s -- when I grew up -- were years of racial separation.
A few Native Americans attended classes with me; fewer Hispanics and Asians did. Hence, my story is about my experience with blacks.
I vividly remember seeing a black student in the hallway on my first day of high school. After that, I never saw him again. I learned later that he was transferred to the city's all-black high school.
My church had a fairly progressive approach to theology, actively supporting Jewish-Christian relations, for example. But blacks were not part of the membership. A black Lutheran church in north Tulsa served them, I was told.
Except there was a couple who were part of our youth group at church. Tony was black and Jan was white. We hung out together for a summer in high school, but then they moved on. I never heard what happened to them.
While the civil-rights movement was in full bloom, I was a teenager and only an observer. I had neither the wherewithal nor the resolve to venture South to stand for justice.
Few black students were in college and seminary with me -- and even fewer Hispanics and Asians. Mine was a mostly monochromatic academic and social life -- from childhood to early adulthood.
My 12 years in the ministry were among mostly white parishioners and white clergy. Could I have done more to work with others of different races? No doubt. But I had other priorities. Racial issues easily dropped down on my list.
Appreciating situation
It was only after I got into journalism, in 1983, that I began to see the depth and breadth -- and the beauty -- of religious and racial diversity firsthand.
On the religion beat, I came to appreciate the ministries of local black leaders and got to know black people who were active in the community. They expanded my vision of who we are as children of God.
None of that would have happened if I hadn't been in situations that introduced me to a wider circle of people. Thankfully, we have moved forward as a society on racial matters, though two misunderstandings still endure:
UThinking that we've overcome all injustices and prejudices.
UThinking we're completely awash in racism.
To believe the former is to live in a monochromatic world, as I did. To believe the latter is to be blind to the tremendous strides made to overcome the worst of society's racial ills, thanks in large part to the man we honor Monday.
We do ourselves, our families, our houses of worship and our society a grave disservice if we're not getting to know -- beginning in childhood and through old age -- those who are different from us.
What to consider
If you believe that to be true, then consider the following:
UEncourage your church or other religious institution to find ways to share experiences and get better acquainted with a similar group of a different racial makeup.
UUrge your civic or community organization to be proactive in promoting racial diversity.
UBe active in your child's school, getting to know parents of different races.
USeek out opportunities to meet others of another race.
As I've learned, racial understanding begins simply by getting to know someone who doesn't share your skin color.
By doing so, it makes one's personal story richer and moves all of us ever closer to that day Dr. King dreamed of.
Knight Ridder Newspapers