Tournament of Roses Parade (11 a.m., various networks): This year, the 117th Tournament of Roses

Tournament of Roses Parade (11 a.m., various networks): This year, the 117th Tournament of Roses Parade doesn't step off until today. But, as always, the parade sends marching bands, equestrian units and flower-bedecked floats down a 5.5-mile length of Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena, Calif. The parade airs on ABC, NBC, Univision, HGTV, Travel and Discovery HD.
"World's Most Extreme Homes" (1 p.m., HGTV): Ruth England hosts a sneak peek at a new series that takes a look at unusual families and their unconventional dwellings. The series premieres in its weekly time slot Jan. 9, at 9 p.m.
"Rollergirls" (10 p.m., A & amp;E): This new unscripted drama series follows the raucous, good-time Lonestar Rollergirls of Austin -- both in the roller derby arena, where they combine eye-catching costumes with athletic competition and antics, and in their private lives.