Don't take Cal's word on peacefulness of Islam

Don't take Cal's wordon peacefulness of Islam
In response to Cal Thomas's carefully worded opinion, "Snipers are part of terror network," in the Oct. 31 Vindicator, I would like to clear up any misunderstandings that may have formed in the minds of Thomas's readers.
The "supposedly peaceful religion" referred to is not supposedly peaceful at all. It IS peaceful. For nonMuslims to understand that point, they will need to interact on a daily basis with the many peaceful Muslims around them, and actively differentiate between the so-called ones with the guns and the ones without.
If Thomas feels that the U.S government needs to be more active in rooting out the evil terrorists lurking among the American masses, who could systematically destroy many communities at one time, what about the supposed peaceful American and western culture that has rooted its way into indigenous cultures all around the world, systematically destroying native cultures to create pseudo-Americas in nearly every country?
No, no, that is not the intention of the free-spirited Americans, you say. But ask any teenager in a nonAmerican country and they will tell you where the closest McDonalds is, even if they don't know their own national cuisine. However, America is not given the qualifier of being a "supposed" peaceful culture because en masse, Americans are peaceful. Similarly, Muslims ARE peaceful and Islam is peaceful, although there might be some Muslims who have negatively interpreted the Koran's teachings. Thomas was all too quick to provide a specific Web site for such interpretation, while not making mention of the plethora of Web sites which do not have such interpretation.
Valley voters must see: GOP isn't party of rich
To all of Ann Womer Benjamin's supporters: We may have lost the battle, but we won the war! The mandate given to George W. Bush and the Republican Party by the voters in this country is unprecedented.
When will the voters in this Valley begin to realize that the message of the Republican Party is not just for the wealthy? From my experiences over the last three months the answer is not any time soon.
To Ann Womer Benjamin: I was honored to work as one of your supporters. Your professionalism and work ethic were remarkable. The voters in this Valley will never realize the talent they passed away.
As I listened to talk radio the day after the election I heard some of the moronic reasons why Ann was not elected. Her hair and makeup were two of my favorite ones. Does this say something about the intellect of some of the people in this area?
From my experience of banging on doors the last three months there was one major reason, and two minor ones, why she lost. Having an "R" after her name gave her no chance. The other two reasons were because she was extremely successful (nothing like the jealously factor) and had accumulated some money, and believe it or not because she was a woman. It was amazing to me how many male old-timers told me that there were already too many woman in Congress.
As for Tim Ryan, I hope he is able to serve ALL his constituents and not just the ones who share his views on how things should be. His views on taxes, national health insurance, law enforcement, and his close association with Nancy Pelosi concern me. Valley voters have always elected Democrats, but to my knowledge they have never elected a liberal. Until now!