Reading by writers

Reading by writers
YOUNGSTOWN -- Fiction writers Christine Lincoln and Robert Mooney will conduct a reading at 7 p.m. Friday in the Kilcawley Art Gallery in Kilcawley Center at Youngstown State University. The event is hosted by the YSU Poetry Center and Africana Studies.
Lincoln, of Baltimore, went to Washington College where she won the national Sophie Award for creative writing, her first book of stories, "Sap Rising," was published in 2001.
Mooney is a professor of English and creative writing and director of the O'Neill Literary House at Washington College, and was a teacher of Lincoln at the college. He wrote the novel "Father of the Man," was editor at New Myths Press and the literary journal New Myths/MSS and co-founded the Estrucan Press publishing house.
The pair will sign books and talk with audience members after the reading.
For information, contact Philip Brady at the poetry center, (330) 941-1952 or