Wiley-Peltz wedding set for late June

CAMPBELL -- Kenneth and Ruby Peltz, 71 Creed Circle, are announcing the coming marriage of their son, Kenneth L. Peltz Jr., 5020 Dierker Road, Columbus, to Kathleen Elizabeth Wiley, also of the Dierker Road address.
Miss Wiley is a daughter of Carol Wiley, 136 E. Maynard Ave., Columbus, and the late John Wiley.
An open ceremony is planned for 1:30 p.m. June 29 at St. Joseph the Provider Church, and invitations will be extended for a reception to be held that evening at Mr. Anthony's in Boardman.
The bride-elect holds a bachelor's degree in child development and family studies from Ohio State University and is pursuing a license in education at Ohio Dominican College.
Mr. Peltz graduated from OSU with a bachelor's degree in aviation and is a certified flight instructor the university.